Read, Reading, Want to Read

September 10, 2016

I'm swapping today's post (a day in the life) with Monday... there isn't much that happens on a Saturday. So it isn't really a true day in the life.

So instead, we talk books.

READ >>> The last book I really read was Eat Dirt and I loved it. There was a lot about gut health and how we try to over purify our environment. Basically, eat more dirt. Use less GermX. Simple.

READING >>> Beautiful Mess isn't really a book, it's more of a Mom's bible study. I'm already doing the Armor of God study right now too, both of which are great for this phase of life. But motherhood, there's nothing better than sitting around with other young (are we young?) mom's and discussing God and how we feel we fall short... when we really aren't. I'm personally a self deprecating over sharer, so hopefully someone feels better listening to me opening tout all my downfalls. Honestly, I'm not perfect and I'm not scared to death my child will turn out awful. It's all in God's hands.

WANT TO READ >>> Mom passed this onto me over the summer and it's next on my list to read. I read her other book while hooked to a pump (breastfeeding) last year and can't wait to get into her charming humor and life lessons.