PS. The wedding dress just came in, I can't wait to try it on! Whoo Hoo!!
Is that not the funniest serving platter you've ever seen? There are several more platters like it too! So here is the link to this platter at least...
The bright side of this is that my whole house is done in this southern living country sorta style so I'll be able to use it after the wedding. It was a big concern of mine to not just spend money on things I would never use again and they would just sit in a box and waste away. Plus it is so much easier to talk Mr. Groom into things if he can see where the money went and that it won't just be useless after the wedding.
Ok so I'm getting sucked into the Not Me Monday that MckMama does. So here goes...
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
I did not go grocery shopping and make a point as always to buy my oh so favorite healthy food. I did not wander around the store looking for something whole wheat because plain couscous just wouldn't do and get overly excited to find cracked wheat tabouli, then buy more veggies than you could shake a stick at and my beloved chick peas for hummus...only to come home and eat the nasty college food ramen noodles.
I did not run to the bookstore and buy an expensive book to study for the Praxis PLT only to discover that I am not even taking the PLT part for anothr year.
Oh and my wanna be chef slef would never put bell pepper into a hot skillet with out oil and when it started to stick pour olive oil into it to create a pretty little grease fire. No way I knew better than that.
I did not put off bathing the furbabies for two weeks until I couldn't stand to sit next to the big one. I would never be so lazy as to neglect my Ellie.
And I would never ever allow myself to get into an arguement about a quilt being on the gift registry, no it's to ridiclous to ever do.
There is no way I would ever put off studying for the GRE and not even do Stats 439 homework. I'm to good of a student for that, I never procrastinate on important thing.

But anyhoo this is as close as your gonna get to seeing my dress before 5/30/09...and by the looks of it as close as I can get to seeing it too.{mine has yet to be shipped and three weeks late might I add} I still love love this dress, the material is so different and not the regular ruffle everyone is doing these days. But there were two things getting between me and this dress...the mom and the money. This lovely little number cost about twice what my Thread dress cost.
Guess it's good I didn't buy it though because not long after a pic of my beloved McClean dress was put on the main page I decided to show it to Mr. Groom and the conversation went this way...
me: "Wanna see the dress I almost bought for the wedding?"
mr. groom: "What's with the material?"
me: "Are you serious that is the entire point of the dress! Wow well can't wait for you to see what I bought."
That is just a snipet of the whole "is all your taste in your mouth" conversation. Sadly enough I think he wouldn't know the difference if I wore a white trash bad and tied it at the waist with a rope. Men. haha
Now don't get me wrong dogs are great in weddings sometimes. For instance my cousin had her well trained pup in her's and all was well. Another wedding I heard of all went well, but the furbaby was a bridesmaid with dress and the whole sha-bang; I'm glad it went well for them but in a small southern gossip pit/town the last thing you want are the guest gossping with everyone in town about your lack of taste in dresses...and dresses on a dog for that matter. It's one thing to give your pup a cute flower collar for the big day and have them join in on the fun but please people if they were ment to wear Davids Bridal the store would have a dog line.
***As a side note my dry wall eating demon furbaby didn't just chew on the cornerof the wall, she chewed a whole straight through the flat part of it and all while she was two months old with her tiny demon pup teeth. ***
PS. We have been engaged since August and a certain someone still has yet to get all of that someone's family's addresses. And I've got one word for Ha Ha;)
1. My wedding dress is late since it has yet to appear in the mail and as of today it is 15 weeks when that thing was supposed to show up by 14.
2. It is hands down my most hated month due to the fact that my birthday is at the end.
Okay now for two positive things just so this doesn't end negative.
1. I bought the candles for the tables at the wedding...all I needed was 30 and walked out of Hobby Lobby with something like 74. There is no such thing as to many candles.
2. We had a great time at the Life Group Super Bowl party, I had the most amazing candy ever. Something called Cracker Candy, it was saltines, chocolate, butter and brown sugar. Plus I got to play with the most adorable baby ever.
There we go two positive things. Oh and something funny...I've never had a cooking mishap to date but today while trying to saute some bellpepper I decided to put a little olive oil in it cause it was sticking, well wrong order, it very quickly turned into a grease fire and I very quickly yelled for Jeremy to put the sucker out. So if anything it is looking to be a clumsy week.