My Graduate Wife Journey [Part 4]

September 23, 2012

If you missed the first three installments of My Graduate Wife Journey click the links below.

Part One
Part Two
Part Three

In the last post I left off where my crazy boss did what she could to sabotage my interview, and I went anyway...

The week continues on it regular "less than fun" way at school and I did my usual afternoon duty on Thursday. Only one difference though...I had a voice mail from an unknown number. While talking to a teacher friend in the hall on the hall I decided to listen and see what it was. 

It was my now principal telling me that I got the job!

You want to know what made it better? About the time I was listening to the message the current boss from the pits of the underworld walked out of her office just in time to see me jumping up and down in the hallway yelling "I got the job!" 

I loved that she had to eat her words that I'd never get hired. Loved it!

I called Jeremy, we celebrated, life went on as usual...for a couple living 5 hours apart. 

At the end of May I graduated with my Master's and only had  few days of work in North Louisiana left. Jeremy came back and helped me pack up our cute little house on Duval Drive, and on our 2 year anniversary my parents showed up and helped us move 2 weenie dogs and a massive U-Haul full of furniture to South Louisiana in a 3 car/1 moving truck caravan. 
I even got to toss my old couch and get a new one. It was short lived fun, I now know what materials don't work with dachshunds. 

Theoretically the graduate wife drama was over. By the time we moved we had our financial situation played out in our heads to last us the 3 years we needed it to. We were going from a place where cost of living was cheaper and I made more money to parish where I made significantly less and cost of living was much more. We had my perfect and paid off Mustang, we had sold the motorcycle for a more reasonable car and had put our selves to one car payment with the other bills not changing much. 

With the extra money in savings and having not seen much of each other, and knowing we still wouldn't see much of each other we decided to take a risk and sign up to go to Italy at Christmas with the history club from ULM. It was a chunk of money, but considering we had never done anything like they together and needed something like that after such a crazy few time it was logical. So I sent our nonrefundable payments off, renewed my passport and we planned our annual trip to see Jeremy's Dad in Tennessee. 

The day we planned to leave the car we bought to replace the motorcycle was on another tear, showing its true lemon-esque qualities so we opted to take my perfect running Mustang on the venture. While on the road we called our friend Ben about getting rid of the stupid car and buying something more reliable to, no joke, a few hours later and a few miles from my FIL's house being slammed into at a red light and totaling our one good car. 

I was devastated. For more reasons than just the financial part of it. However, just on the financial side we were about to have to buy two much newer cars at the same time or continue to funnel money into the Lemon formally known as a PT Cruiser. Lucky for us, we had saved our butts off while we had the chance in anticipation for massive Murphy's Law events once we got here. 

I wrote a check for two cars at the same time. Do you know what that does to a frugal person's soul? I seriously needed therapy, I didn't even write that big of a check when we bought the motorcycle. I hope I never have to write something out like that again before buying a home, a girl needs some time in between huge checks that have nothing to do with clothing. 

I think I failed to mention, right before I got here Jeremy was asked to take over the youth minister's position after the current one left. 

No problem, except I felt like I had been uprooted from a place I was happy with to be thrown into something else without much of an opinion on it. I had this mental fantasy of looking for a church together when I got here, not joining a church I hadn't even really learned how to get to on my own from our house in my rental car. 

Between my bitterness towards not having a say in where I went to church or what church I joined, and the car fiasco, i had hit a mental rock bottom. I felt like God was punishing me for spending the money to go to Italy. I was sad that I didn't have a women's group like I had at my old church. I was brand new here and had yet to make any close friends that I thought would like me for the crazy person I was. 

I hated it, and every day for a solid six months I was bitter and unhappy about it. I begged Jeremy to church hunt at least once a month, just so I could feel like I had control over something. I was in a small apartment with more bills and less money; and a terrible attitude towards everything that walked the Earth. 

And then we went to Italy...