Tis the Season, to Scale Back

February 20, 2019

With a large extended family and heck, even a not so large family on my side, the holidays can get expensive quickly. 
That doesn’t appeal to me at all, and in fact, I’ve found it taints my view or the holiday in general. As soon as I start having to buy for every Tom, Dick, and Harry, I get real sour. I don’t mind spending time with extended family, but when I start to feel that what we could do for our own children is stretched thin because Uncle Bob’s cousin’s sister’s kid wants a gift … nope. My attitude for Christmas shifts from joyfully reading the Christmas story and celebrating Jesus as a family to just a flat our Grinch. 

I'm a bit late sharing this post, but it applies to all year for us. Not just Christmas. To read more about how we keep gifts to the essentials and not go bananas, head over to the Lafayette Moms Blog. (I'd love it if you also left a comment.) Hint. I incorporated that 4 gifts rule... and for V-Day and Easter it's even less stuff. (for Valentines I will give a small candy and Easter is a basket with just a few fun things.)