31 Days - Slightly Crunchy Cleaning

October 3, 2015

Before I get knee deep into today's topic let me say this... I bleach mop our kitchen every other week. We have a dog and a baby that goes to a sitter, and honestly the kitchen is the most high traffic area in our house. So in an attempt to ward off viruses and anything on the dog, I bleach mop.

With that said, here are a few of my favorite homemade cleaning recipes:

All Purpose Vinegar Orange Cleaner - fill a mason jar with orange peels and then top with as much white vinegar as possible. Allow to sit at least a week before putting in a spray bottle and using to clean and disinfect.

This orange one is also great for dusting! Just use with a microfiber cloth or old rags.

All Purpose Counter Cleaner (I even use this in the bathroom) -
2 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp hydrogen peroxide
2 tbsp vinegar
20 drops of tea tree oil

Combine all ingredients except water in a spray bottle (I use the larger type from Home Depot), fill the rest of the way with hot water.

Mopping Solution -
1 cup vinegar
5-10 drops of tea tree oil (or other essential oil you like)
1/4 c baking soda
1 tbsp castile soap or blue Dawn dish soap

Mix with one gallon of hot water and mop away!

Stove Top Potpourri-
few lemon slices
2 tsp vanilla
few sprigs of rosemary

Put in a sauce pan with water and simmer all day, be sure to check and keep the water level up.

Microwave Cleaner - fill a glass microwave safe container of some sort with a tbsp of vinegar and a cup of water. Microwave for 5 minutes and then wipe grim away with a paper towel.

Talk to Me

What are your favorite homemade cleaning products and tips?