I Heart Pinterest - Back to School

July 22, 2015

School is upon us teachers! Like it or not.

I recruited my hubby this past week to come and hook up computers, which saved me I don't ever know how much time. There's no telling how that would have gone if I was being yelled at by the baby the entire time.

All that's left now is a bulletin board or two and a bit or organization.

Oh, and tracking down my computer cart with my printer on it. It vanished over the summer.

Until then, here's a few pins I'm utilizing in my room this year!

I'm obsessed with this Welcome Letter, I already printed it out and edited it for my class! 

In case you're like me and feel like the writing advice you give them goes in one ear and out the other. 

Since we aren't really doing Spelling anymore, here's my solution to help the kids with the words they need. 

I really want to teach proper note taking this year and use those journals the best we can.

Better binder organization, yes please!

Definitely making this! 

Hoping the ribbon will help the kids know where they left off in a notebook easier without having to flip for 10 minutes. 

I'm hoping this "waiting on the teacher" will help with the line that forms when I'm helping proofread writing. I think half the little people stand in line to waste time. 

Since my welcome letter had a little about me spot I'm going to use these for the board outside my room!