Show Us Your Life-Future Kids Names

May 7, 2010

Even though kids are no where in the near future I am playing along at Kelly's Korner this week and the topic is "kid's names".
Show Us Your Life with Kelly's Korner

It will take a lot for me to say that I want to actually get pregnant considering I am so freaked out by needles that when I went with Laura for her appointments I was squeamish. Here are a few names I like, remember, Jeremy is not on par with any of them. Who knows what he wants to name kids but it isn't these names. I have already warned him though that if he puts up a fight I will fake like he is stressing me out and get him kicked out of the room. Aren't I a nice wife haha?

Ella Grace-all time favorite till someone I know decided to steal it. 
Piper Luz- Luz is my Paternal grandmother's middle name
Amelia Nannette-if someone steals this one I'll hunt them down

Gabe-love it but a good friend named her son Gabriel

Hopefully boys aren't in my future...I don't like boy names, clothes, or anything for that matter. 

Don't forget about the book giveaway that lasts until Sunday!