First off, can we talk about how it feels like tomorrow is Wednesday. Something about teaching a half week throws me way off. I am amazed every time I notice that tomorrow is Friday.
I'm not sure if I shared this book or not, but I am obsessed with Mrs. Dunwoody's Excellent Instruction for Homekeeping. I really want to find it somewhere and get myself a copy. It was full of great tips like homemade tips for housecleaning, proper party thorwing, and a few good recipes. The book is based on the author's great grandmother ( I think, or great great) and how she ran her house in the 1800's. I found a biscuit recipe that is really good, I am going to tweet it a bit and get it down to an exact science before I share it thought.
In the midst of my obsessive homestead reading while at the in-laws I came across one real frugal country living book. The styrofoam meat tray suggestion cracked me up so much I had to read it out loud to everyone I came in contact with.
You probably got the hint up top, but school is back in session...which means the iron is back in use. My absolute favorite spray starch brand is Magic Sizing. I've tried others and this one seems to leave the least about of white dullness. Who knows, maybe one day I'll experiment with starching clothes the old way ha!

Here is my first day of school outfit. Ironed above:) It turned out to be cute and comfy, but considering I had duty it was deathly hot in this 100 degree south Louisiana weather. Too much clothing for this humidity people! I can hardly breathe in it. Lucky for me we had a rainy day 2nd recess and dismissal...i.e. inside whoo hoo!
I came home today to a nice little surprise, flowers from dear ole Jeremy. I absolutely loved it. I rarely get flowers, and I'm not blaming that on Jeremy at all. When we were first dating he bought me 3 expensive arrangements before I convinced him the loose grocery store flowers were just as pretty and way cheaper. It's the thought that counts, not the price. Especially these days in broke graduate school land. He could draw me a picture of flowers and I would be just as happy, I'd probably cut them out and make a arrangement out of them. I love anything that lets me know he was thinking of me and did something to make me happy. I just struggle with what to do for him like that, men don't really want flowers.
I was just told that I am going on a date tomorrow night. Can't get much better than this right? Maybe I'll get my hands on some BBQ.
It looks like my dream to run far far away is fading. Jeremy has always loved being super involved in ministry, especially youth. It really is his thing, and I just love hearing him teach lessons and talk to the kids. About the time I moved here Jeremy was asked to take over the youth group because the youth pastor was moving. Since we were here for graduate school Jeremy went into it knowing his time per day was limited. Somehow this man has managed to wrangle his schedule so that he could do much more than just teach SS. I personally would be out cold in the floor.(if you had come by the church earlier today you would have found me literally laid out on the carpet nearly asleep literally)
After a year of teaching SS alone, with me helping with in the background with stuff, we expanded this summer to bring on another couple and create more of a team. Which threw my background role up front a bit more. Eek! With the growth in our little team we have also seen a big growth in the actual youth. Big eek! I honestly didn't think a year ago that we would get to this. We had a 90's night for the kids a few weeks ago and they all showed up and even brought a few friends.
I'm chasing rabbits.
Jeremy is getting to have his own little office at the church. He is also wanting to take on more of a in staying through internship and being much more involved especially after he graduates.
Part of getting this office has involved him painting the room. However he as also painted a bunch of other stuff that I am randomly noticing haha. He, and a bunch of other people, have put a ton of work into the new youth room and it really shows. I'll have to post pictures once it is mostly done. I really should have taken before shots.
So tell me before I chase to many more rabbits tonight...
What is your favorite date night dinner spot?