It's the week before Christmas break, that's either a good or bad thing depending on how you swing it.
1) We are off work for two whole weeks and I can pretend I'm a stay at home mom who isn't exhausted from pumping and nursing all night and has time for errands and housework on days other than Saturday.
2) Those children are going to be crazy and to quote my teacher friend --- "I looked at the clock and it said 2:40, 45 minutes later I looked again and it said 2:45." That perfectly describes how slow every day goes with children who wonder why I forgot to move the elf and want the break to have started 45 minutes ago.
It's some how fun and painful at the same time. At least I now have air conditioning in my classroom. It's not snowing or even remotely cold here, it was a humid 75-80 for days in my room; and let me just throw in that humid hot sweat isn't something that smells good on a grade that doesn't consistently wear deodorant.
It's been a little ripe in there every day.
It also didn't help that I even forgot to wear deodorant one day. Truly it is a wonder the principal never came in and sprayed air freshener at us.

1) We are off work for two whole weeks and I can pretend I'm a stay at home mom who isn't exhausted from pumping and nursing all night and has time for errands and housework on days other than Saturday.
2) Those children are going to be crazy and to quote my teacher friend --- "I looked at the clock and it said 2:40, 45 minutes later I looked again and it said 2:45." That perfectly describes how slow every day goes with children who wonder why I forgot to move the elf and want the break to have started 45 minutes ago.
It's some how fun and painful at the same time. At least I now have air conditioning in my classroom. It's not snowing or even remotely cold here, it was a humid 75-80 for days in my room; and let me just throw in that humid hot sweat isn't something that smells good on a grade that doesn't consistently wear deodorant.
It's been a little ripe in there every day.
It also didn't help that I even forgot to wear deodorant one day. Truly it is a wonder the principal never came in and sprayed air freshener at us.

[What is Meal Pinning Monday?]
MPM is how I meal plan for our little family. I once spent a lot of time searching the web and my recipe books hunting for new recipes and ideas for what to cook every week. Then, Pinterest came along and made meal planning much easier for me. Every weekend I look over what I have pinned the prior week and decide what I would like to cook and make my grocery list from these recipes. MPM came about as a way to share what I am cooking, and to also see what others are cooking every week to hopefully get even more dinner ideas from other bloggers. If you don't pin your recipes feel free to just share what you are cooking.
Monday - Slow Cooker Chicken Tikka Masala
Tuesday - Leftovers
Wednesday - Pioneer Woman Drip Beef & Fries
Thursday - Leftovers
Friday - eating out
Saturday - Leftover Drip Beef again (it makes a bunch)
Sunday - Breakfast Pizza & Orange Julius's
Monday - Tuscan Pork Chops
Breakfast - Paleo Bowl
Lunch - Chicken Salad Pita (I love Jospeh's brand)
After that I'm dinner every night free until the next week, or at least until Mom and I decide what we are cooking the week of Christmas.