So this hot dog craving had to be stopped. But how?
My solution---

Only one problem. Day one of soy hot dog was nasty. It didn't taste bad, but the texture was not like a hot dog at all. Plus I put canned sauerkraut on it, what on earth got into me...nasty!
Now today when I ate my vegan dog I decided to cover it in ketchup and mustard...and it was actually good. Plus they are only 50 calories. Which ain't so bad when you are sucking up 2 of them on whole wheat hot dogs buns when baked sweet potato fries.
Total calories for this monster vegan meal
2 hot dogs= 100 calories
2 hot dog buns= 220 calories
mustard= 3 cal
ketchup=45 calories
sweet potato fries= about 100 cal
total= 468 calories