Currently April

April 3, 2019

Today I'm linking up with Ann over at In Residence for her monthly Currently series!

Experiencing || Right now we are clearly in the parental experience of what on earth does one do about PreK. I honestly always saw these parents crying over entering Kindergarten, but instead me (and many a friend folk) seem to be lamenting the struggle to place your kiddo into PreK. The main issue being that we are teachers, who teach out of our school zone. Most of us need a hardship to allow our kids to attend where we teach, but they supposedly aren't given for PreK. We need our kids to attend where we go simply because school lets in after we are at work and let's out before we are able to leave. You might suggest Student Care? Well, the school we are zone for doesn't have it. I started to leave H at the sitter for another year, but hearing that his friends are leaving means that he would be miserable as the absolute oldest. We might try this daycare in town that does a PreK class and see how it works out. In the event of openings I could possibly get him in where I teach, but we wouldn't know anything until closer to Labor Day and I can't risk not having a spot anywhere.

Appreciating || Jeremy - this guy never stops these days. He teaches Sunday School, spends most of the night working on seminary classes, has recently started working on his resume to submit to churches, and has worked his butt off on a sermon he is preaching the 7th. He doesn't get in bed until super late, and every time I look around he is reading yet another book for class. The past week he has even stayed up practicing his sermon. Not to mention he works full time as a school psych and that doesn't allow for any daytime moments to get these things done. I don't know how he does it all.

Wish-listing || I found a protein powder/shake that might finally work for me. People can say all they want but I swear the pea protein based shakes aren't my friend. I'm actually dreaming of running out of this tub of crap (Vega One at the moment, but Garden of Life caused the same problems) so I can move back to a grass-fed whey or beef protein. So the protein shake I'm wishlisting... Orgain Clean Protein. 

Posting || If you were to look at my IG you'd see a series of posts that run something like: baby, baby, coffee, baby, big kid, coffee, baby, baby. Lost of Elliot and coffee at the moment, but that's what the first year is for apparently.

Considering || With the camping trip to Austin about to happen I'm ironing out what we will eat. It's what I live for honestly. If you know of anything fun to do with kids in town drop it in the comments. I would love to take our double stroller but I'm afraid that once the car is packed with camping gear and that extra person we acquired in the fall I might not be able to take it. All the fingers crossed I can squeeze it in somehow.