Meal Pinning Monday

July 7, 2014

Let me go ahead and be the first to admit that doing the Dukan diet when no one else is is harder than than eating bananas in from of donuts.

All my meals last week were right, but snacking got the best of me during our sewing project. Then the 4th of July kicked my butt. So today I'm vowing to not cheat for the remainder of this, just because I only have 3 weeks before I have to fit into my khakies for work again.

And this girl is not buying more!

[What is Meal Pinning Monday?]
MPM is how I meal plan for our little family. I once spent a lot of time searching the web and my recipe books hunting for new recipes and ideas for what to cook every week. Then, Pinterest came along and made meal planning much easier for me. Every weekend I look over what I have pinned the prior week and decide what I would like to cook and make my grocery list from these recipes. MPM came about as a way to share what I am cooking, and to also see what others are cooking every week to hopefully get even more dinner ideas from other bloggers. If you don't pin your recipes feel free to just share what you are cooking. 

We are headed to my in-laws this week so I'm only cooking for three days. Yay, but I'm going to cry trying to do Dukan at Sandy's house. My step-mother-in-law is the best cook! 

Monday - Pure Protein - Living on grilled turkey burgers with a Greek yogurt sauce. It my easy way to make this recipe. 

Tuesday - Protein/Vegetable - Grilled Chicken with Cauliflower Poppers

Wednesday - Pure Protein - A total repeat of Monday. I tend to eat hard boiled eggs, fat free dairy, and eat any meat I can stand to chew.