25 Days of Christmas // 10 Small Space Decorating Tips

December 5, 2012

Decorating an apartment or small house can be a major let down after scouring over Pinterest for the past few months, heck even a few minutes of beautiful houses and you can despise a small space. I've said it a few times before, and if you read back in the day you will know that square footage has diminished quite a bit with our move. Our current apartment isn't shaped in a way that allows for a large tree. Oh, how I miss my two story loft townhouse with a cathedral type ceiling! [side note: single girls live in a beautiful town house that is super girlie before getting married, you will thank me!

With our current spacing we have opted for a small table top tree and finding other ways to use our many ornaments from what we use to put on a large live tree in our Monroe days. Above the cabinets I used mesh garland as well as our old stings of lights to make a sparkly garland, in the serving bowls behind it I placed all of our large glitter ornaments. I also have a few signs and trinkets stashed around the house, as well as the stocking that were once hung by the fireplace...that are now hung on the dresser serving as a tv stand. This year I added ornament garland with the other remaining ornaments and wrapped them with lights and hung it on the curtain rod in the living room. Anything to add Christmas to this little space. I also may or may not have bought a rosemary tree for the counter in hopes of keeping it alive after Christmas. 

1. If you really don't want a fake tree, but a small live tree and place on a table top...or get a large rosemary tree. You could use it all year long, and it smells amazing:)

2. Decorate doorways. It doesn't take up more space...the door is there anyway. I love this tutorial for door garland that you use to hang Christmas cards on. It pays to multi task!

3. Decorate your counter space with homemade trees. I don't have the room for a tree in every room, but I could spare some counter space for this cute tree made with pots. 

4. Decorate above cabinets. Instead of sharing my pic again take a gander at this one I shared on the garland post:

5. Table scapes are your friend. Decorate the table overly festive and add some garland to hanging lights or chandeliers  Wish I would have seen this years ago, our chandelier would have definitely have been decorated!

6. Take advantage of bookshelves and mantles. Use smaller trees and wreathes to liven up every square inch of flat surface around the house.

7. There is a good chance that if you have a small space like us, there isn't money to blow on expensive decorations. Make festive pillow covers with burlap by stenciling Christmas-y words onto them. Use the no sew ironing tape/glue and fit the make shift case to your pillows. 

8. If you want some of those expensive decorative balls for cheap dip thick yarn in Elmer's glue and wrap it around small ballons. When the glue dries pop the ballon. Fill a gorgeous basket with pinecones, extra ornaments, and these festive yarn balls and you have lovely centerpiece for the coffee table. 

9. It also looks very country Christmas to use containers you already have like old pitchers to hold greenery. 

10. If you don't have the space or money at all for a live or fake tree of any size use this idea: take a large evergreen branch, hang on the wall from a hook and decorate with treasured ornaments.