Once again my Martha Stewart obsession has led me to do another diy wedding project. Granted I have searched everywhere to find one similar to the pic but no luck at all. I have had to come to terms with the fact that it just won't happen. But I'm sure that what I have to work with will turn out great any way.
{here my guest book table inspiration, the one pictured was used as a place card table, I have a similar divider that I am going to cover in fabric and put pics in it to place behind my table. Also I'm trying to find a few candle sticks to place on the table but so far I've had no luck finding ones close to the pic example.}
{here is my table I will use for the guest book, I found it at Pier 1 on sale so I feel like I did a decent job. I do wish it was a bit whiter but I can live with it.}
The bright side of this is that my whole house is done in this southern living country sorta style so I'll be able to use it after the wedding. It was a big concern of mine to not just spend money on things I would never use again and they would just sit in a box and waste away. Plus it is so much easier to talk Mr. Groom into things if he can see where the money went and that it won't just be useless after the wedding.

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